
Sunday 30 April 2017

नदियों के संगम की ये 9 तस्वीरें प्रकृति के प्रेम का एहसास दिलाएंगी!

नदियां हमेशा से समाज की ज़रूरतों को पूरा करने का महत्वपूर्ण साधन रही हैं. इंसानों ने नदियों के जल का विविध उपयोग कर अपनी प्यास बुझाई है. गरीबों उससे आजीविका कमाते हैं और किसान खेती की ज़रूरतें पूरी करते हैं. नदियां कहां से शुरु होती हैं और कहां जाकर ख़त्म, ये बात कम ही लोग जानते हैं. इस लिस्ट में दुनिया की उन नदियों की तस्वीरें हैं जिनका संगम आपने पहले कभी नहीं देखा होगा.

1. Jialing और Yangtze नदी चीन के चूंगचींग में आकर मिलती हैं. 

2. अलकनंदा और भागीरथी का संगम भारत के देवप्रयाग में होता है.

3. अरब सागर का मिलन अटलांटिक महासागर से होता है. 

4. अटलांटिक और आर्कटिक महासागर अलास्का की खाड़ी में आकर मिलते हैं.

5. रियो नीग्रो और Rio Solimoes का मिलन एमेज़ॉन के ज़गलो में होता है.

6. Ilz River, Danube River और Inn River जर्मनी के Passau में मिलती हैं.

7. Rhone और Arve नदी का संगम स्विट्ज़रलैंड के जिनेवा में होता है.

8. Drava और Dranuve नदी के मिलने का ये दृश्य बेहद शानदार है.

9. ग्रीन और कोलोराडो नदी जब मिलती हैं तो कुछ ऐसा प्रतित होता है.

Source: imgur

Monday 24 April 2017

Everyday Habits That Are Causing You to Gain Weight

5 Everyday Habits That Are Causing You to Gain Weight

You haven’t eaten fast food and candy for a long time, you exercise regularly, and you try hard to lose weight...but those extra pounds seem to just hang on. In fact, most people just don’t realize that their usual morning rituals can prevent them from getting the body of their dreams.

The team has collected 5 morning habits that you should give up right now.

1. You sleep too much

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With too little sleep, your body is more likely to produce the stress-response hormone cortisol which increases your appetite. However, oversleeping might not be much better for you either. According to a recent study conducted by PLOS One journal, sleeping more than 10 hours a night can lead to a higher body mass index. It’s no wonder that doctors recommend getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep every day.

2. You get ready in the dark

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Open the blinds or curtains immediately after waking up. One study in the journal PLOS One found that blue light waves from the early morning sun boost your metabolism and help your body wake up. Even 20 to 30 minutes of daylight is enough to affect your body mass index.

3. You don’t make your bed

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It may sound strange, but it’s true. A study by the US National Sleep Foundation revealed that people who reported making their beds also reported better sleep overall. After all, healthy sleep is the optimal way toward a healthy weight.

4. You forget to weigh yourself

© BridgetJonessDiary  

Researchers from Cornell University proved that daily weighing is a successful technique that encourages weight loss. The best time to step on the scale is first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything. Since you lose water weight overnight, you’ll get the most accurate number.

5. You eat too little for breakfast

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Researchers from Tel Aviv University insist that you should pamper yourself with a delicious meal in the mornings. In fact, a balanced breakfast that contains 600 calories of lean protein, carbohydrates, and some dessert will make it easier for you to follow your daily diet plan.

Preview illustration credit: Marat Nugumanov for 
Based on materials from

Effective Exercises to Get Rid of Folds on Your Back and Sides

7 Effective Exercises to Get Rid of Folds on Your Back and Sides

We often forget about our back simply because we cannot see it. We don’t notice how we slouch, depriving the muscles of physical activity. As a result, they become slack and annoying folds appear.

collected for you some simple but effective exercises. Performing them regularly at home for 2-3 weeks can tone up your back muscles.

Forward bends


Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart.Lean forward without bending your knees.Try to get to the floor with your hands.Reach the floor.

Side bends


Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart.Raise one hand up, and put the palm on the back of your head.Take a dumbbell in your other hand, and lower it down.Make short bends toward your arm with the dumbbell.



Get into a high plank position.Shift your center of gravity to your arms.Lower your body, bending your arms at the elbows.Return to the initial position.

Bow pose


Lie on your stomach.Pull your arms forward.Bend your back, lifting your head, arms, and legs up at the same time.Grab your ankles.Inhale deeply. Stay in this position for a few seconds.With an exhalation, relax the muscles, and return to the initial position.



Lie on your stomach, stretching your arms and legs.Raise both legs and arms at the same time, bending your back.Stay in this position for a few seconds.Return to the initial position.

Upper back lifts on stability ball


Lie down on the ball on your belly.Fix your legs shoulder-width on the floor.Place your hands on the back of your head.Raise and lower your shoulders and upper back while keeping your neck straight.



This exercise is extremely effective for the back, but it may be dangerous to do it without preparation. Start trying to perform the bridge only a couple of weeks after regular workouts with the previous exercises.

Lie on your back with your legs bent at the knees. Press your palms to the floor above your head.Start gently lifting your hips and then your shoulders up, bending your back.Hold at the highest point for a few seconds.Try to return to the initial position by gently lowering your back to the floor.

Preview photo credit DEPOSITPHOTOS 
Based on materials from sheknowswomenshealthmagdailyburnbodybuilding

The Best Exercise to Effectively Burn Fat and Improve Posture

The Best Exercise to Effectively Burn Fat and Improve Posture

The best way to prepare for beach season in no time is to choose one effective exercise and stick to it.

We at Bright Side would like to tell you about the "reverse plank" exercise that’s not yet as popular as the regular plank but is easily as useful.

How to do it:

Sit on the floor, and stretch your legs in front of you. Put your hands on the floor palms down, and spread your fingers for maximum support.Bend forward by 45° to the floor. Put your hands behind your buttocks so that your arms make a straight line from your shoulders down.Hold your weight with your hands and heels while pushing your buttocks up.Lift your torso, legs, and buttocks until they form a straight line, just like with the regular plank.Strain your abdominal muscles, and pull your stomach in while your torso is moving up.Hold this position for 15-60 seconds.Slowly lower yourself on the floor.


Fit buttocks and calves. Compared to the regular plank, the reverse one loads your gluteus and calves much more.Improved metabolism. While you’re in the plank, calories will burn even faster than they would from dynamic exercise. It’s been noted that most people practicing this plank have no problems with metabolism.Perfect spine. The reverse plank guarantees improvement of posture as you use the muscles that help keep your back straight. It’s particularly important for office workers.Relief from pain and cramps in the back. By doing the reverse plank at least 3-4 times a week, you’ll rid yourself of backaches and cramps. Both reverse and regular planks effectively work the responsible muscles.Flat abs and more. It’s important not to lower your pelvis or throw back your head, and your back should be straight. The reverse plank strengthens your arms, abs, and legs and also stretches your shoulder muscles.

Based on materials from

Most Frequently Faked Foods

The 7 Most Frequently Faked Foods

The foods we are used to seeing at our table may not be what we thought they were. However, Bright Side has good news: it’s possible to avoid the fraudsters’ tricks.

Ground coffee

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Ground coffee may contain roasted and chopped barley, wheat, and soybeans. To reduce production costs, companies may even add ground wood.

How to protect yourself?

Buy coffee beans, and grind them yourself.

Pomegranate juice

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The details on the package say that inside the bottle you’ll find 100% pomegranate and cranberry juice. Yet, most likely, the drink is well diluted with cheaper apple juice or simply with water.

How to protect yourself?

Carefully read the composition, and pay attention to the juice proportion.

Olive oil

© 481kawara   © pixabay  

When buying a bottle of expensive olive oil, you can bring home a cheaper corn, palm, or soy oil.

How to protect yourself?

Pour some oil into a glass, and put it in the fridge. Real olive oil forms a sediment.

Parmesan cheese

© ericboisset   © pixabay  

One of the leaders in the market of fake foods. This cheese may contain about 10% of wooden shavings. A mixture of cheaper cheeses can also be presented as Parmesan cheese.

How to protect yourself?

Buy the whole wheel, carefully reading the composition on the label before you pay.


© inflatabill  

When it comes to faking honey, human imagination has no limits. Most often it’s diluted with syrups with a high fructose content.

How to protect yourself?

Read the requirements for storage. Natural honey doesn’t necessarily need to be kept in the fridge.


© pixabay   © pixabay  

This reddish slice on the roll is most likely not salmon. In most cases, when ordering sushi and rolls with a certain type of fish, you get a cheaper variant (sometimes even colored).

How to protect yourself?

If you really want fish, it’s better to order it in steak form.


© Tengrinews   © Gurjari Limited  

Among all the fakes, this might be the most dangerous. The fake rice in the picture above is made from starch mixed with plastic. The grains are similar to rice and even smell the same — they’re sprayed with flavoring.

How to protect yourself?

Fake rice doesn’t sink in water, and it burns like plastic. When buying, pay attention to the manufacturer, and trust only tested brands.

Preview photo credit maxpixel 
Based on materials from Facts Verse

Ways to Get Perfect Abs With Just a Chair

5 Ways to Get Perfect Abs With Just a Chair

To build the perfect beach body, you don’t need to waste money on expensive fitness centers, special diets, or weight loss creams. All you need is a chair and 10 minutes of exercise a day.

We at Bright Side suggest you try these five simple exercises to get rid of belly fat quickly.


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Stand behind a chair, and place your hands on its back.Take a few steps back, slightly bending your knees until your chest is parallel to the floor.Slowly turn to the left, lifting your left hand over your ear.Repeat 20 times, alternating sides.

Floor Twists

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Lie on your back, move closer to the chair, and put your feet on it.Put your hands behind your head.Using your ab muscles, raise your shoulder blades off the floor, and touch your right knee with your left elbow.Repeat 20 times, alternating sides.

Leg Raises

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Sit at the edge of the chair, bend your knees, and place your palms behind you.Move your buttocks slightly forward so they don’t touch the chair.Raise the straight left leg, keeping it parallel to the floor.Repeat 20 times, alternating legs.


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Lean on the edge of the chair, straighten your body in a line, and take the position of the plank.Keep your back straight.Hold the plank for 30 seconds.Try increasing the time by 10 seconds every day.


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Upright straight arms at the edge of a chair.Bend your knees at 90 degrees, and place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.Bend your elbows, and lower down. Then raise back completely straightening your arms.Repeat 20 times.

Preview photo credit Depositphotos