
Monday 17 June 2019

Apparently, There Are 5 Stages Of Love, But Most People Can’t Get Past The 3rd & Lose Out On Love

In today's fast-paced lives, relationships aren't known for their longevity. Frustration and dissatisfaction spawn like weeds in people, others churn out money, using heartbreaks to their advantage to tell you about ways to get over someone you really loved. The reality is, that it's possible to have a meaningful, deep, loving relationship to weather the storms together but we often give up, too fast, on our loved ones at the first sign of something that won't suit us. Famous psychologist Jed Diamondsurfaced after 40 years of research to talk about the five stages of love in his article on MenAlive and how we often can't get past the third, losing out on the love of our lives. Here are the different stages of love:

Stage 1

Falling headlong into love

Source: pexels

Suddenly everything is beautiful, there's a spring in your step, blushes come easy and butterflies are forever flooding your stomach. You want to spend every waking moment with them, often staying up late into the wee hours of the morning hanging on every word of theirs. They are beautiful and flawless and you vehemently deny they have any faults whatsoever. They make you ecstatic and this is when we build a lot of flimsy illusions about them. We desire and expect things from them.

Stage 2

Source: pexels

After a lot of stuttering and dropping of hints and painful nervousness with clammy hands, you get into a relationship with the person. It's exciting and you're all talk about your boo. You move in together or even get married and it's wonderful waking up next to the person you love. You believe you are soulmates and are meant to be together.

Stage 3

Doubts surface about whether they really are the one

Source: huffingtonpost

With the passage of time, it's getting a little boring and dull. You already know everything there is to know about your partner, it isn't exciting anymore, the romance is disappearing and sex is the same. Your flimsy illusions about the person shatter and that goofy thing they used to do with their nose which was once adorable, is now just plain annoying. Their habits and ways disillusion you and you think "This isn't what I wanted". Fights are frequent now, and you think that possibly they aren't the one you're meant to be with. This is the phase when people pull out and get sloshed to forget about the other person rather than try working it out.

Stage 4

Source: greatist

If you stick on and decide to put more effort into the relationship to understand your partner and discuss your issues without the blame-gaming, things might take a turn for the positive. You respect the person they are and become more accepting of them. Now is the time to turn the bond into something more meaningful, deep and long-lasting. Get to the core of the problem - a troubled childhood, wounds from past relationships, whatever it may be, now is the time to heal.

Stage 5

Become a team and help make a change to the world

Source: pexels

Now the two of you are a team who can pool in your talents and resources to make the world a better place, in whichever way you can. You've got each others' backs and can take on the world!

As Jed Diamond puts it, "If we can learn to overcome our differences and find real, lasting love in our relationships, perhaps we can work together to find real, lasting love in the world."

Saturday 16 February 2019

8 Signs You’re The Selfish Partner In Your Relationship

8 Signs You’re The Selfish Partner In Your Relationship

Nobody wants to be in a romantic relationship with a self-centered lover.

By Kelsey Borresen, HuffPost US

MIXMIKE VIA GETTY IMAGESThese immature, inconsiderate behaviors could be red flags. 

In any relationship, we all have moments in which we act in selfish ways. But when self-centered, immature or inconsiderate behavior becomes the norm for you, then there’s an issue.

Take a break from thinking about yourself for a second and ponder this: Do you ever ask what your partner wants to do over the weekend? Or do you just call all the shots without any regard for their wishes? When you two disagree on something, do you actually listen to what your partner has to say or do you steamroll the conversation?

If this sounds familiar, there’s a good chance you haven’t realized that you’ve been unfair to your partner. Below, experts share the signs that indicate you’re probably the selfish one in your relationship. 

1. You expect your partner to listen to you vent but you don’t offer the same in return.

“One of the best reasons to be in an intimate relationship is that we have someone to tell our troubles to, who will take our side when the world feels harsh. That feeling of being understood and accepted is what intimacy is about. If you become immediately bored, or act like your partner is a drag when he or she starts to tell you about their bad day, it’s like slamming an emotional door in their face. Even if your partner doesn’t protest, it’s still a recipe for loneliness in a relationship.” ― Amy Begel, marriage and family therapist

2. You give your partner the silent treatment instead of tackling difficult conversations in a mature way. 

“It is self-centered to not make an attempt to communicate when you are hurt or angry at your partner. Tough conversations often come up in a romantic relationship. You put your partner through a lot of distress when you refuse to talk.” ― Marni Feuerman, marriage and family therapist

3. You insist that your perspective is the correct one — on everything. 

“This is a definite red flag indicating a strong degree of selfishness. If you find yourself always giving weight to only your own point of view, you are setting your relationship up to fail. What you are really saying to your partner is that you are really only in this relationship to get your own needs meet, with little or no consideration for the needs of your partner. If that’s the case, you really aren’t a partner at all.” ― Gary Brown, marriage and family therapist 

4. You routinely accuse your partner of being the selfish one in the relationship.  

“We can hardly tolerate qualities in others that we don’t like about ourselves. Often what we mean when we accuse partners of being selfish is that they’re not meeting our selfish preferences.” ― Steven Stosny, psychologist

5. You get pissy when your partner makes plans that don’t involve you. 

“There is no reason to be joined at the hip. It is healthy to have your own interests and balance ‘me’ time with ‘we’ time. If you are always making your partner feel guilty for being an individual separate from you, then this is very selfish.” ― Feuerman 

6. You’re overly critical of your partner’s friends and family. 

“Occasionally I see couples where one partner refuses to hang out with the other partner’s friends, or belittles them, looks down on them or is otherwise unpleasant toward these friends. This creates a troubling imbalance in the relationship, where one person becomes the arbiter of who’s ‘in’ and who’s ‘out.’ It also implies a sense of superiority on the part of the partner who pronounces him/herself as the judge of high-quality friends.” ― Begel 

7. You’re oblivious to your partner’s needs. 

“I always know there is a quality of deadness in a couple who comes for therapy where one partner isn’t at all worried about pleasing the other person. In a healthy relationship, we’re supposed to be aware of what pleases our partner and, at least part of the time, try to accommodate their desires. It’s of course always a question of balance: We don’t live to please our partner, but we’re not indifferent to our partner’s needs, wishes, desires. It goes a long way in a relationship when we know our partner is paying attention to what we need, even if it doesn’t always work out.” ― Begel

8. When you don’t get your way, you threaten to end the relationship — even if you don’t mean it.

“Even in the very best of relationships, none of us is always going to get what we need. If you spend your time threatening to leave your partner, how can they ever grow to trust that it isn’t always going to be about you and your needs? Someone who genuinely loves their partner is going to be mature enough and have enough self-awareness to know that it is extremely hurtful to threaten to abandon someone we love just because we don’t get our way.” ― Brown

Tuesday 17 April 2018

most hardworking Zodiac Signs, are you one of them?

The 8 most hardworking Zodiac Signs, are you one of them?

RADHIKA MEHROTRA,SEP 19, 2017 05:17PM5081K 12 

Most hardworking Zodiac Signs

Hard work is not something you can work around, there is no shortcut to it and one must understand that hard work will always bear sweet fruits. You might fail but every time you will be motivated to move forward. There are three most hardworking signs as per the Zodiac chart. Keep scrolling to know about them and each zodiac sign.



Capricorn is at #1 when it comes to hard work amongst the 12 zodiac signs. Whether it is a small or big work they never get tired. They are workaholics and Ancient Vedic astrology confirms that there is a reason why the representing sign for this zodiac is that of a goat, goats are very hardworking and headstrong and they keep trying to achieve their goal with perfection.



The water-bearing sign. Aquarius stands on position #2 in terms of hard work. The natives of this zodiac are highly driven people. They have big and sometimes unachievable dreams, however, they will push themselves to achieve all that they have dreamt about. They are not afraid to work hard to meet their dream goals.



Daydreamers Pisceans are driven by their fantastical dreams, however, they are such motivated and aligned people that they would never back down to work hard and make their dreams come true and thus, these water elements stand on the third position.



Representing the element of fire, Arians love everything luxurious and they would go to any length to achieve their desires - not in a negative manner, of course. They can be over-driven sometimes and it might impact their general life - whether personal or professional, they make sure to achieve all that they want.

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The Earth sign, Taurus is known for its stability and grounded outlook. They have a unique attraction about them and a panoramic viewpoint about things in life. They give their all or nothing at all. They are quite hard-working, however, they can feel under the weather if they don't find balance.



Geminites might not be the most stable when it comes to thoughts, however, they are quite the hard working people and can multitask. They are people of sense and if they like something, they would give their best to achieve it.



Cancerians might not seem like the hard working type and come out as driven by feelings, however, this one trait - to feel deeply is their driving force. Cancerians will go to any length and work really hard when they want to achieve something, especially when it is about a loved one.



The sign of Lion in the house is not only ambitious but they also love power - these two are literally their driving force and a Leo will make sure they do everything in their power to keep these two aspects flowing in their life.



Virginians, though very organised in their life, they do not like to work too hard in life. They get bored easily with routine and do not want to give their all to just one thing. Their will to achieve much with little effort sometimes leads to trouble, too.



Librans are quite attracted to take it all easy, however, their driving force to have a luxurious life will always make them do better, even if they want to do it all with little effort. They end up achieving their goals, even if it is slow paced.



Scorpions are quite opposite to their other elemental natives. Unlike Cancerians and Pisceans, Scorpions are driven to avenge when they are wronged and are mostly calculating their next move rather than giving their best to achieve. However, when they wake up, they do realise and give their best to turn the tables around.



Sagittarians are downright lazy. Yes, they are. Like it or not, they are placed in the last in terms of hardworking individuals. They mostly love to travel and explore the unexplored, however, they are not really keen on working on a plan or have an organised thought pattern.

Sunday 8 April 2018

Difference Between Developed Countries and Developing Countries

Difference Between Developed Countries and Developing Countries

June 18, 2015 By Surbhi S 23 Comments

Countries are divided into two major categories by the United Nations, which are developed countries and developing countries. The classification of countries is based on the economic status such as GDP, GNP, per capita income, industrialization, the standard of living, etc. Developed Countries refers to the soverign state, whose economy has highly progressed and possesses great technological infrastructure, as compared to other nations.

The countries with low industrialization and low human development index are termed as developing countries. Developed Countries provides free, healthy and secured atmosphere to live whereas developing countries, lacks these things.

After a thorough research on the two, we have compiled the difference between developed countries and developing countries considering various parameters, in tabular form.

Content: Developed Countries Vs Developing Countries

Comparison ChartDefinitionKey DifferencesConclusion

Comparison Chart

BASIS FOR COMPARISONDEVELOPED COUNTRIESDEVELOPING COUNTRIESMeaningA country having an effective rate of industrialization and individual income is known as Developed Country.Developing Country is a country which has a slow rate of industrialization and low per capita income.Unemployment and PovertyLowHighRatesInfant mortality rate, death rate and birth rate is low while the life expectancy rate is high.High infant mortality rate, death rate and birth rate, along with low life expectancy rate.Living conditionsGoodModerateGenerates more revenue fromIndustrial sectorService sectorGrowthHigh industrial growth.They rely on the developed countries for their growth.Standard of livingHighLowDistribution of IncomeEqualUnequalFactors of ProductionEffectively utilizedIneffectively utilized

Definition of Developed Countries

Developed Countries are the countries which are developed in terms of economy and industrialization. The Developed countries are also known as Advanced countries or the first world countries, as they are self-sufficient nations.

Human Development Index (HDI) statistics rank the countries on the basis of their development. The country which is having a high standard of living, high GDP, high child welfare, health care, excellent medical, transportation, communication and educational facilities, better housing and living conditions, industrial, infrastructural and technological advancement, higher per capita income, increase in life expectancy etc. are known as Developed Country. These countries generate more revenue from the industrial sector as compared to service sector as they are having a post-industrial economy.

The following are the names of some developed countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United States.

Definition of Developing Countries

The countries who are going through the initial levels of industrial development along with low per capita income are known as Developing Countries. These countries come under the category of third world countries. They are also known as lower developed countries.

Developing Countries depend upon the Developed Countries, to support them in establishing industries across the country. The country has a low Human Development Index (HDI) i.e. the country does not enjoy healthy and safe environment to live, low Gross Domestic Product, high illiteracy rate, poor educational, transportation, communication and medical facilities, unsustainable government debt, unequal distribution of income, high death rate and birth rate, malnutrition both to mother and infant which case high infant mortality rate, poor living conditions, high level of unemployment and poverty.

The following are the names of some developing countries: China, Colombia, India, Kenya, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, U.A.E.

Key Differences Between Developed and Developing Countries

The following are the major differences between developed countries and developing countries

The countries which are independent and prosperous are known as Developed Countries. The countries which are facing the beginning of industrialization are called Developing Countries.Developed Countries have a high per capita income and GDP as compared to Developing Countries.In Developed Countries the literacy rate is high, but in Developing Countries illiteracy rate is high.Developed Countries have good infrastructure and a better environment in terms of health and safety, which are absent in Developing Countries.Developed Countries generate revenue from the industrial sector. Conversely, Developing Countries generate revenue from the service sector.In developed countries, the standard of living of people is high, which is moderate in developing countries.Resources are effectively and efficiently utilized in developed countries. On the other hand, proper utilization of resources is not done in developing countries.In developed countries, the birth rate and death rate are low, whereas in developing countries both the rates are high.


There is a big difference between Developed Countries and Developing Countries as the developed countries are self-contained flourished while the developing countries are emerging as a developed country. Developing Countries are the one who experience the phase of development for the first time. If we talk about developed countries, they are post-industrial economies and due to this reason, the maximum part of their revenue comes from the service sector.

Developed Countries have a high Human Development Index as compared to Developing Countries. The former has established itself in all fronts and made itself sovereign by its efforts while the latter is still struggling to achieve the same.

Thursday 30 November 2017

The most passionate and powerful Zodiac Signs together,

The most passionate and powerful Zodiac Signs together, know yours




Zodiac Compatibility: Passionate and Powerful Together

Whilst there are volumes written about love matches - there are matches that are meant to go down in history if worked well between two people. Also, it does not entail that if you and your partner do not share the suggested zodiac alliance means that you have been in a loveless relationship, this is merely astrology mixed with a dash of fun. Compatibility is all about two people working hard to make their relationship work, never forget that.



Aries - Libra

Though Arians have a we-are-on-fire relationship with Leos and Geminites, they feel much settled with Librans. Librans have a carefree attitude and Arians feel a pull towards them when they want something deep and meaningful. Libra’s demand for an emotional connection and to bond deep keeps their feelings grounded, while still nurturing their need for adventure.



Taurus - Cancer

Taurus and Cancer share karmic ties and is one of the strongest sign together. Both the signs are very strong at home and family thus their domestic life is bliss. They are very private people and enjoy being in each others company. They are also most compatible signs in regard to emotional and physical intimacy. This relationship also matures with time and they experience a deeper bond with time.



Gemini - Sagittarius

Geminis are free-spirited and they want a partner who will not tie them down and they can share a good laugh with. Both are impulsive in nature and that attracts both the signs to each other. It also allows both of them to blossom. Both partners rebel against routines and rules, so this is an exciting, intoxicating and dynamic match.



Cancer - Taurus

Cancerians love relationships and like nothing more than sharing a deep, meaningful bond with someone. Their best match is usually with Taurus who also values emotional connections above all else. The homemaker and the lover, respectively make a relationship bond worth remembering for years, something that even their children will appreciate in their life.

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Leo - Aries

At its best, Aries and Leo's compatibility reveals a warm, passionate and genuine relationship, in which both the partners enjoy relatively equal power and status, and in which they share many of the same life goals and objectives. Leo's are most suited to Aries partners who are just as passionate as they are. Aries and Leos will have the most explosive arguments but also show each other grandiose gestures of love.



Virgo - Scorpio

Both Scorpio and Virgo are deeply loyal when in love, and both partners would much prefer to be home alone cuddled with each other, then out in the social set-up, so this makes for an intensely private relationship. The intense emotional connection Scorpios need matches perfectly with that of a Virginian's own desire for the same. The ordered Virgo will keep the fast-paced Scorpion in check, while the unabashed boldness of a Scorpio will draw out a Virgo in open.



Libra - Gemini

Both Libra and Gemini are very sociable signs, so this will be a relationship is about mutual friendships and a packed-calendar. Others will find these two witty, sparkling, energetic and engaging as a company - they are just too much fun together. They are both excellent conversationalists and stimulate each other mentally. The stable Libra also helps flighty Geminis to land back on the ground again and face the reality.



Scorpio - Pisces

Scorpio and Pisces, the two most emotional signs of the zodiac, are also perfect matches for each other. They understand each other intuitively and their relationship is based on a strong understanding of each other’s needs. Potentially one of the strongest and most enduring relationships of all, trust is a big issue for Scorpio and Pisces compatibility is easily abused too, so both of these signs will find in one another someone they can rely upon.



Sagittarius - Aquarius

Aquarius identifies with Sagittarius's need to keep moving and will never desire to tie them down. They are both equally adventurous and open-minded, ensuring there’s never a dull moment in their relationship. They will both enjoy a lively and active social life, they’ll both love to travel, they’ll love to debate ideas and to enjoy outside interests beyond their relationship too.



Capricorn - Virgo

Capricorns work very well with Virgos who are just as focused and orderly as they are. Both Capricorn and Virgo are earth signs, with a hidden sensuality about them that shines through when they feel secure. There’s an earthy passion here which belies the somewhat cool exterior portrayed by both signs. All in all, they are amazing together.



Aquarius - Libra

The justice-loving Aquarius matches perfectly with Libra’s own desire for equality. Libras will never dismiss their ideas and help them take it forward. Libra and Aquarius are both air signs, and this is indeed an airy and intelligent relationship. This couple shares many interests in common, and they both seek a better world in their own way.



Pisces - Capricorn

Both Pisces and Capricorn appreciate each other’s goals and most importantly, Capricorn can pull Pisces back up when they feel dejected. This relationship will be calm and relatively tranquil, as Capricorn soaks up some of that emotional intensity. When in love, this couple will nurture one another and create a beautifully furnished home.

Saturday 29 July 2017

Unexpected Signs That You Have a Unique Body

11 Unexpected Signs That You Have a Unique Body

Each person has character traits, peculiar only to him or herself. Aspects of the psyche that are — if present in others at all — extremely rare. But did you know that our bodies can possess many unique features too?!

Today Bright Side tells you about exceptional physical skills and characteristics found in only a tiny percentage of people around the world. If any of you want to try some of this stuff for yourselves, there’s a bonus at the end of the article!

11. Flexible tongue

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When it comes to the "flexible tongue" skill, certain tongue length and muscle tone are a must. In addition to genetics, the environment can also be a factor in this trait’s formation. For example, Indians are particularly likely to have flexible tongues. Scientists believe that this has to do with the peculiarities of their language.

The extent of tongue flexibility may vary. Researchers even went as far as to conduct a special study on the subject. 63% of the test participants managed to fold their tongue into a roll, 14% managed to bend it in half, and less than 1% were able to shape their tongue into a triple pipe.

10. Movable ears

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Approximately 22% of people on the planet are capable of wiggling one ear, while no more than 18% can do it with both ears. But this was not always so: our distant ancestors used to be true virtuosos at making all sorts of movements with these body parts. The fact is that the muscle responsible for ear movement was once well developed in humans but became redundant in the course of evolution.

9. The ability to wiggle individual toes

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No matter how you try, you won’t be able to wiggle each of your toes in turn. That’s because only the big toe and the little toe are fitted with individual muscles, while the rest are controlled en masse by just one set of muscles. Most people in the world can easily move their big toes, but only a minority can do it with little toes.

Incidentally, some researchers advise women against marrying men who can wiggle their little toes separately from the rest: such people tend to attach too much importance to their personal freedom!

8. The ability to touch your elbow with your tongue

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It is believed that no more than 1% of people in the world have this ability. To perform the trick, you need to have a particularly short forearm and a long tongue. But, even with these features, you’ll still need good flexibility and very strong motivation!

7. Diastema

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Diastema is a gap between the front teeth,occurring in about 20% of humans. From the viewpoint of dentists, it’s an anomaly that requires medical intervention. But many people, including celebrities, think that this feature adds uniqueness to their image!

6. The ability to raise one eyebrow

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The ability to raise only one eyebrow depends on how well you can control your facial muscles. Interestingly, people born with this feature often possess the skill to move their ears as well. Scientists believe that early humans were able to wiggle their eyebrows separately — the way certain present-day species of monkeys do at the sight of danger.

5. Dimples on the cheeks

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Possessed by approximately 25% of the world’s population, dimples are a defect in the structure of the zygomatic muscle, which is responsible for smiling. In people with this physiological feature, a small bundle of the muscle gets attached to the bone. As a result, when a person smiles, a portion of the cheek is drawn inward. Dimples are particularly noticeable with chubby cheeks because fat makes the indentations more pronounced.

4. Holes above the ears

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Approximately 5% of people on the planet are born with a small hole above one or both earsInterestingly, in the USA, such people constitute less than 1% of the population, while in Asia this distinction is diagnosed in approximately 10% of newborns. Scientists are yet to reach a conclusion about the causes of this feature’s formation and the role it plays in the body, but some believe that the holes could be an evolutionary remnant of fish gills.

3. Hitchhiker’s thumb

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Hitchhiker’s thumb is a physiological phenomenon in which the upper phalanx of the thumb can bend 90 degrees in the direction opposite to the palm. This hyperextensibility is caused by the presence of a special gene, known as the "bendy thumb gene." Such a feature is inherited and occurs in about 25% of people.

2. Missing tendon

Gather all the fingers of one hand together, and tense your wrist. If the tendon on the inner side of the wrist doesn’t become visible, you must be one of the 14% of people who don’t have the long palmar muscle. This muscle belongs to the vestigial parts of the body — those whose necessity has disappeared in the course of evolution. Experts say that the absence of the long palmar muscle does not affect the grip strength or any other functions assigned to the hands.

1. Darwin’s tubercle

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The protruding segment on the inside or outside of the ear is called the Darwin’s tubercle. The famous scientist once suggested that this feature was the consequence of the fact that early people’s ears used to be pointy. It is believed that those who possess this distinction (no more than 10% of the world’s population) are better at sensing voice tonality. Such people can also hear high-frequency sounds and clearly identify particular sounds, even in noisy places.

And now...the promised bonus!

You can develop some of the above-mentioned unique skills through exercise. Of course, you won’t acquire superpowers, but you will be able to impress your friends and tone your muscles at the same time!

Learn how to raise one eyebrow here.Here are instructions on how to wiggle your ears.You’ll gain the ability to lick your elbows by following this advice.Learn to perform tricks with your tongue here.

Preview photo credit imgur

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Mysterious Mental Disorders Our Brain Is Capable of

10 Mysterious Mental Disorders Our Brain Is Capable of

According to statistics, every fourth person on Earth suffers from a mental or behavioral disorder.

Bright Side decided to examine the most unusual of them in order to prove once again how mysterious the human brain is.

Quasimodo syndrome


Quasimodo syndrome, or body dysmorphic disorder, is an extremely dangerous mental disorder known for obsessive thoughts about a highly exaggerated or even imaginary physical defect. Patients constantly look in the mirror, trying to find an angle at which the supposed defect isn’t visible; they refuse to be photographed, in order to avoid their drawback being captured in a picture; they take excessive care of their appearance; they have love life problems due to this particular flaw; they have low self-esteem; they feel awkward in society, suspecting that others notice the "defect" and laugh at it. Sounds familiar?

The absurdity of this syndrome is revealed in the silent short film Contracuerpo.


© Castelao Producciones S.A.  

Those suffering from erotomania are sure someone’s in love with them, typically someone of a much higher social status (for example, a celebrity). The patients believe their imaginary admirers show their attitude toward them through special signs, secret signals, telepathy, and coded messages in the media. It’s difficult to fight the disorder: even if the supposed lover directly says "no," a patient with erotomania interprets this as part of a secret strategy that hides their relationship from society.

This syndrome is raised in the movie From the Land of the Moon (Marion Cotillard’s character).

Capgras delusion

© Alcove Entertainment  

This syndrome makes a patient believe someone close to them or they themselves have been replaced with a doppelganger. The patient can claim that bad deeds attributed to them were committed by their double, who looks exactly like them. This disorder is often accompanied by schizophrenia.

The feature film The Double, based on the novel of the same name by F. M. Dostoevsky, reveals the essence of this disorder.

Fregoli delusion

© Paramount Animation  

In this case, the patient believes exactly the opposite: under the mask of strangers or surrounding people hides someone close to them, who constantly wears makeup and changes their appearance for the purpose of pursuit.

The syndrome was first described in 1927: one young girl believed she was being pursued by two actors from the theater she used to visit, taking the form of people she knew or met.

This topic is partially revealed in the animated movie Anomalisa.

Adele Syndrome

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Adele syndrome is an obsession that makes a person experience a pathological love affection. Doctors have recently recognized it as a mental disorder that seriously threatens a person’s health and life, comparing it to gambling, alcoholism, and kleptomania.

Symptoms of the disease resemble deep depression but can be much more dangerous: persecution of a person, self-deception, delusive hopes, voluntary self-sacrifice, ignoring friends’ or other close people’s advice, reckless actions, and loss of interest in other topics and activities.

You can watch The Story of Adele H, a movie about the syndrome and the young woman it was named after.


© Canal+  

Cryptomnesia is a kind of memory impairment whereby a person cannot remember when a particular event took place or whether it was a dream or reality, for example, if they wrote a poem or simply remembered something they had read. In other words, the source of information is forgotten, and the person cannot determine whether the idea belongs to them or to another person.

This syndrome often goes along with the “jamais vu“ phenomenon, opposite to ”deja vu," when suddenly there comes a feeling that a well-known place or person seems completely unknown or unusual, as if seen for the first time.

In the photo, you can see a fragment from The Science of Sleep.

Alice in Wonderland syndrome

© Roth Films  

This syndrome changes the patient’s perception of surrounding objects and space: they can perceive them as much smaller or larger or realize they’re far away but, in a strange way, very close. The most difficult case is when a person perceives their own body improperly: they cannot understand its shape and dimensions. In this case, neither the patient’s eyes nor any other sense organs are damaged, and the changes concern only the mental state.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

© Appian Way  

Patients suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder are subjected to obsessive anxious thoughts they cannot control and get rid of, or "rituals": special actions that, as it seems to a person, they’re forced to perform. At the same time, a person perfectly understands the absurdity of their actions, but their non-fulfillment leads to unbelievable anxiety and, eventually, to constant observance of these rituals.

A vivid example of a person suffering from OCD is Leonardo DiCaprio’s character in The Aviator.


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Paraphrenia is a combination of paranoid delusions and grandiosity. The patients’ delusional ideas are constantly accompanied by pseudo-hallucinations and "false memories." The patients consider themselves rulers of the world, ascribe themselves immortality, divine origin, claim they wrote the great writers’ books working under these pseudonyms, and so on. People with such a diagnosis tend to look very arrogant and mysterious.

Multiple personality disorder

© Blinding Edge Pictures  

Dissociative identity disorder is a rare mental disorder that divides a person’s personality, and there’s an impression of several different personalities in one body. These individuals can have different genders, ages, nationalities, temperaments, mental abilities, world views, and even illnesses. The causes of this disorder are severe emotional trauma in childhood: for the purpose of psychological protection, the child begins to perceive what’s happening to them as if it were happening to someone else.

The most striking story with a personality split occurred in the USA in the late 1970s. When the rapist Billy Milligan was arrested, it turned out that 24 people were living in his head. You can read about this story in Daniel Keyes’s book.

The main character of the movie Split also suffers from such a disorder.

Preview photo credit Cross Creek Pictures