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Difference Between Developed Countries and Developing Countries

Difference Between Developed Countries and Developing Countries

June 18, 2015 By Surbhi S 23 Comments

Countries are divided into two major categories by the United Nations, which are developed countries and developing countries. The classification of countries is based on the economic status such as GDP, GNP, per capita income, industrialization, the standard of living, etc. Developed Countries refers to the soverign state, whose economy has highly progressed and possesses great technological infrastructure, as compared to other nations.

The countries with low industrialization and low human development index are termed as developing countries. Developed Countries provides free, healthy and secured atmosphere to live whereas developing countries, lacks these things.

After a thorough research on the two, we have compiled the difference between developed countries and developing countries considering various parameters, in tabular form.

Content: Developed Countries Vs Developing Countries

Comparison ChartDefinitionKey DifferencesConclusion

Comparison Chart

BASIS FOR COMPARISONDEVELOPED COUNTRIESDEVELOPING COUNTRIESMeaningA country having an effective rate of industrialization and individual income is known as Developed Country.Developing Country is a country which has a slow rate of industrialization and low per capita income.Unemployment and PovertyLowHighRatesInfant mortality rate, death rate and birth rate is low while the life expectancy rate is high.High infant mortality rate, death rate and birth rate, along with low life expectancy rate.Living conditionsGoodModerateGenerates more revenue fromIndustrial sectorService sectorGrowthHigh industrial growth.They rely on the developed countries for their growth.Standard of livingHighLowDistribution of IncomeEqualUnequalFactors of ProductionEffectively utilizedIneffectively utilized

Definition of Developed Countries

Developed Countries are the countries which are developed in terms of economy and industrialization. The Developed countries are also known as Advanced countries or the first world countries, as they are self-sufficient nations.

Human Development Index (HDI) statistics rank the countries on the basis of their development. The country which is having a high standard of living, high GDP, high child welfare, health care, excellent medical, transportation, communication and educational facilities, better housing and living conditions, industrial, infrastructural and technological advancement, higher per capita income, increase in life expectancy etc. are known as Developed Country. These countries generate more revenue from the industrial sector as compared to service sector as they are having a post-industrial economy.

The following are the names of some developed countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United States.

Definition of Developing Countries

The countries who are going through the initial levels of industrial development along with low per capita income are known as Developing Countries. These countries come under the category of third world countries. They are also known as lower developed countries.

Developing Countries depend upon the Developed Countries, to support them in establishing industries across the country. The country has a low Human Development Index (HDI) i.e. the country does not enjoy healthy and safe environment to live, low Gross Domestic Product, high illiteracy rate, poor educational, transportation, communication and medical facilities, unsustainable government debt, unequal distribution of income, high death rate and birth rate, malnutrition both to mother and infant which case high infant mortality rate, poor living conditions, high level of unemployment and poverty.

The following are the names of some developing countries: China, Colombia, India, Kenya, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, U.A.E.

Key Differences Between Developed and Developing Countries

The following are the major differences between developed countries and developing countries

The countries which are independent and prosperous are known as Developed Countries. The countries which are facing the beginning of industrialization are called Developing Countries.Developed Countries have a high per capita income and GDP as compared to Developing Countries.In Developed Countries the literacy rate is high, but in Developing Countries illiteracy rate is high.Developed Countries have good infrastructure and a better environment in terms of health and safety, which are absent in Developing Countries.Developed Countries generate revenue from the industrial sector. Conversely, Developing Countries generate revenue from the service sector.In developed countries, the standard of living of people is high, which is moderate in developing countries.Resources are effectively and efficiently utilized in developed countries. On the other hand, proper utilization of resources is not done in developing countries.In developed countries, the birth rate and death rate are low, whereas in developing countries both the rates are high.


There is a big difference between Developed Countries and Developing Countries as the developed countries are self-contained flourished while the developing countries are emerging as a developed country. Developing Countries are the one who experience the phase of development for the first time. If we talk about developed countries, they are post-industrial economies and due to this reason, the maximum part of their revenue comes from the service sector.

Developed Countries have a high Human Development Index as compared to Developing Countries. The former has established itself in all fronts and made itself sovereign by its efforts while the latter is still struggling to achieve the same.

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