
Saturday 18 March 2017


The great benefits of Yoga Mudras for health and longevity have long been known. Let’s have a look at top 5 yoga mudras types, methods and benefits.

Gyan Mudra or Jnana Mudra - Yoga Mudra for Mind

What is Gyan Mudra?

Gyan Mudra is one of the most commonly and widely practiced mudras. Gyan mudra corresponds to the word wisdom which is “Gyan” in Sanskrit. It is popularly used in yogic poses such as Pranayama and is believed to help attain spiritual enlightenment.

How to do Gyan Mudra

Gyan Mudra works great in Padmasana. But if you find padmasana a bit difficult, you can do this yoga mudra in sukhasana too. 

Sit down with your back straightKeep your neck straight but not tenseKeep your hands extended resting on your folded kneesTouch the tip of your index finger with the tip of your thumbEnsure to touch with a gentle press and not forced pressureKeep your eyes closed calmly and keep your focus on breathing

Benefits of Gyan Mudra

It helps relax the bodyIt helps relieve stressImproves focus and concentrationStimulates brain and strengthens nervous systemWorks great for spiritual enlightenment

Duration of Gyan Mudra

You can practice Gyan Mudra daily for 30 minutes. The preferred time is early morning, where an accompanied chanting of “OM” can do wonders. 

Surya Mudra - Yoga Mudra for Weight loss

What is Surya Mudra?

Surya Mudra is also known as Prithvi-shamak Mudra. This is because it reduces the earth element in the body and thus Surya Mudra is one of the best mudras for weight loss. 

How to do Surya Mudra

The ring finger represents the earth element and the thumb is the fire element. Thus, to form Surya Mudra, you need to - 

Fold your ring finger and press it with your thumb. You can sit in Sukhasana or Padmasana for this. Ensure your palms are laying on your knees and are facing the sky.You may also do this mudra while standing or even walking. But for best results, sit comfortably with your back straight and do it.

Surya Mudra and Weight Loss

Practicing Surya Mudra leads to the reduction of earth element in your body and thus lowers the density. Also, this mudra raises the fire element in the body which leads to an improvement in digestive system too. This helps in cholesterol reduction and thus helps in weight loss

Other Benefits of Surya Mudra

Helps improve appetiteHelps improve visionThe increase in fire element helps take care of cold hands and feetIt is useful to overcome the Kapha Dosha in body by increasing the pita element.Energizes your inner-self and motivates you out of lethargy.

Duration of Surya Mudra

You can practice Surya Mudra every day for 30 minutes. The best time is early morning.

Surya Mudra Precautions 

People who are looking to gain weight and body density should do it in moderation only when required. People with ignited Pitta element should also do Surya Mudra with caution as this mudra is Pitta Karak and Kapha Nashak.

Prana Mudra - Yoga Mudra for Life Energy

What is Prana Mudra?

This is one of the most beneficial yoga mudras as it has innumerable benefits for health and wellness. As the name suggests, Prana Mudra is the source of vital life force and energy. This yoga mudra increases the earth element and the water element in the body. It reduces the fire element in the body. Thus, Prana Mudra is a Kapha Karak and pitta Nashak Mudra. 

How to do Prana Mudra

The Prana Mudra can be formed by joining the tips of your ring finger and little finger with the tip of your thumb. 

Benefits of Prana Mudra

Prana Mudra works wonders when it comes to the list of benefits. Prana Mudra is beneficial in:

FatigueStress and mental tensionSleeplessnessHigh blood pressureGeneral debilityLow immunityAcidity and ulcersVision related health issuesRheumatoid ArthritisJoint painInflammatory disordersVarious other health issues or disorders that may occur due to deficiency of water and earth elements.  

Duration of Prana Mudra

You can practice Prana Mudra every day for 30 to 45 minutes. Morning time is considered best for this mudra. In the beginning, if you are not able to do it continuously for 30 to 45 minutes, you may do it for 10 to 12 minutes, 3 times a day or 15 minutes 2 times a day. Then, gradually you can increase the time of practice.

Prana Mudra Precautions

If Kapha is in excess in your body then you should practice this mudra in moderation.

Vayu Mudra - Yoga Mudra for Pain Relief

What is Vayu Mudra?

Also known as Vayu shaamak mudra, Vayu mudra helps in regulating the air element in the body. You can extract amazing health benefits with the balance of air element in your body.

How to do Vayu Mudra

Fold your index finger to your palmPress your thumb across the index fingerPress the folded thumb gently on the bent index fingerKeep the other three fingers straight but not tight

Benefits of Vayu Mudra

This mudra helps in balancing the air element of the bodyIt works wonders for health issues related to or arising from joint pains like arthritis, gout, sciatica, and rheumatism etc.Vayu mudra practiced in Vajrasana or the diamond pose helps in digestion after a heavy meal and makes you feel relaxed

Duration of Vayu Mudra

You can practice this mudra for 10 to 12 minutes every day for getting relief from body pain. If your disease is chronic, you may increase the duration but it is safer to consult a yoga expert.

Vayu Mudra Precautions

Do not practice Vayu Mudra more than required and discontinue it once you get relief from pain or related health issue or when you see that your chronic disease symptoms have disappeared. 

Varun Mudra - Yoga Mudra for Beauty

What is Varun Mudra?

Also known as Jal Vardhak Mudra, Varun Mudra helps increase the water element in the body. It is a very simple mudra and has excellent health benefits.

How to Do Varun Mudra

Place the tip of your little finger on the tip of your thumbKeep the other three fingers straight but relaxedThe pressure applied should be little and not exerted

Benefits of Varun Mudra

Water plays a major role in the health and wellness of a body. And thus, Vayu Mudra is very beneficial if the water element in your body is low. 

Thus, practicing of Vayu Mudra is beneficial in - 

Dehydration Muscle crampsDryness of skin and lack of moistureDryness in eyes, throat or mouthLow urinationTongue related health issues or disordersIndigestion and constipationVarious other health issues or disorders that may occur due to excess of Vata dosha in the body

Duration of Varun Mudra

Preferably during the early morning hours, Varun Mudra can be practiced for 20 to 30 minutes.

Varun Mudra Precautions

People with high Kapha or Pitta should practice Varun Mudra in moderation.
Always remember that Yoga Mudras, though great for healing, must be practiced in the manner and for the duration they are meant to be. In case of any confusions, especially in the case of chronic diseases, it is best to consult a yoga expert and then perform the required yoga mudra under supervision.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Tricky Questions that Will Give Your Brain a Great Workout

21 Tricky Questions that Will Give Your Brain a Great Workout

We also feel pretty serious about training our brains, and that’s why when we came across these 20 intriguing questions, we decided to share them with you right away. So let’s get started with our brain fitness, shall we?

© Value Stock Images /  EAST NEWS  

According to IATA (International Air Transport Association), these two passengers must not sit together in the same row in the airplane. Who are they?

Cats and dogs.

© Tomas Urbelionis / Shutterstock  

A group of women are getting on the local bus. Although the bus is not crowded, all of them sit at the back. Why is that?

You’re in Iran. Small children of both genders and all women have to sit at the back of the bus.

© Value Stock Images /  EAST NEWS  

Back in 1445 the people of Moscow thought they were close to facing apocalypse as all the church bells started to ring simultaneously on their own. However, the exact same ’doomsday’ happened in 1091 in Kiev, and in 1802 again in Moscow. What was the reason for the ’doomsday’?

An earthquake.


The locals in Myanmar (Burma) raise cattle and poultry but they hardly slaughter the livestock, even poultry. They usually sell out their animals to the market, mainly to neighboring countries such as China, and buy back the meat they want from the dealers. Why such waste of time and money?

Because of the Buddhist doctrine of ahimsa (causing no harm).

© Reddogs / Shutterstock  

There were times when tail docking was a common practice in Europe despite of the dog breed. Why?

Back then dog owners were taxed according to the length of their dogs’ tails, so docking was widely used to reduce the tax liability.

© NASA / eyevine / EAST NEWS  

Every day our planet Earth gets heavier; in fact, it gains up to 60 tons of what?

Cosmic dust.

© Value Stock Images / EAST NEWS  

What Russia, Turkey and Egypt have in common?

They are located on two continents.

© Zenon Zyburtowicz / EAST NEWS  

Back in 1945 every chicken killed in Muzo, Colombia, was subject to examination by a public official. Why such strange law?

They removed any emeralds found in the gizzard.


In 1965 Pele received a gold medal from Brazilian Ministry of Education for his autobiographic book ’Pele.’ How come a book had an impact on education?

Thousands of illiterate Brazilians started to learn how read with one particular goal — to read his autobiographic book.

© orxy / Shutterstock  

Some sub-Saharan African tribes attach small pouches full of insects to their legs when they go hunting at night. Why do they need such thing?

To light the way (as they put fireflies in those tiny bags).

© Nitr / Shutterstock  

In 1997 when government officials of Tabasco, Mexico, decided to ban all kinds of beer to reduce growing alcoholism, the reaction they faced was strongly negative. Then, the Congress of the state got one brilliant idea: they banned the sales of only one type of beer. Which beer was it?


© tlegend / Shutterstock  

In Swaziland you never disturb a senator from doing THIS during a parliament session because the government official may be consulting the great ancestors at that moment. What do they do?

They sleep.

© Photosite / Shutterstock  

Many of the souvenirs bought in traditional African villages might have been an instrument for some disease treatment. What souvenirs are they?

Traditional African healers, also known as sangomas, use masks to treat their patients. Those masks are available for sale afterwards.

© Marcin Krzyzak / Shutterstock  

This small town in Andalusia, Spain was the first port in history to charge merchants for the use of its docks. What is the name of the town?


© Grisha Bruev / Shutterstock  

This river in Oregon, United States, was listed in the Guinness World Records as the world’s shortest river at 440 feet (130 m). Its name, starting with letter ’D’ is probably the shortest river name, too. So what’s its name?

D River.

© Voran / Shutterstock  

Astronauts say that from outer space riverbeds look like the circulatory system of a living organism. What an interesting observation! Coincident or not, but during World War II doctors used THIS water instead of blood plasma. What kind of water was it?

The doctors turned to seawater to save lives when medical supplies ran out.

© Warner Bros. Pictures  

Colorblind people were never allowed to perform military service in the US Air Force before 1941. However, the situation changed at the beginning of the World War II — suddenly they became very much popular among all other candidates. Why?

They discovered that the camouflage stood out so easily that it wasn’t even a challenge for them to spot it.

© Incredible Arctic / Shutterstock  

The seabed of some Northern seas often feature long, narrow furrows most often called gouges, or scours. They may reach hundreds of feet in length and up to 16 feet in depth. Who is responsible for this phenomenon?

Icebergs and sea ice ridges.

© S.Borisov / Shutterstock  

First indoor Christmas trees in Europe were placed right there. Where exactly?

They brought the tree into the house and hung top down from the ceiling.

© SurangaSL / Shutterstock  

It seems like every year around New Year’s Eve, Iceland sets a new record in sales of THIS particular product. What product is this?

Fireworks. The Icelandic law states that anyone may purchase and use fireworks during a certain period around New Year’s Eve.

By touching just one glass, how can you make them all alternate between full and empty?

Pour the juice from the second glass into the fifth one.

Monday 13 March 2017

the Most Incredible Journeys to School in the World

25 of the Most Incredible Journeys to School in the World

We were astounded to learn of the sheer bravery some of these kids show every day — all for the sake of enhancing their knowledge.

Five-hour journey through the mountains on a 1ft-wide path to the most remote school in the world, Gulu, China

© (с) Sipa Press  

Via unsecured wooden ladders, Zhang Jiawan Village, Southern China

© yettrue  

To a boarding school through the Himalayas, Zanskar, Indian Himalayas

© (с) Timothy Allen   ©    

Travelling 800m on a steel cable, 400m above the Rio Negro River, Colombia

© (с) Christoph Otto  

Going to school on a canoe, Riau, Indonesia

© (с) Nico Fredia  

Through the forest across a tree root bridge, India

© The Atlantic  

Riding a bull to school, Myanmar

© (с) Andrey  

Riding an auto rickshaw to school, Beldanga, India

© (с) Dilwar Mandal  

Crossing a broken bridge in the snow to get to school in Dujiangyan, Sichuan Province, China

© dailyfresher  

Traveling on the roof of a wooden boat in Pangururan, Indonesia

© (с) Muhammad Buchari  

Walking across a plank on the wall of the 16th Century Galle Fort, Sri Lanka

© quartz  

Traveling by boat, Kerala, India

© Santosh Sugumar  

Riding a horse cart back from school, Delhi, India

© dailymail  

Crossing Ciherang River on a makeshift bamboo raft, Cilangkap Village, Indonesia

© quartz  

A 125-mile journey to a boarding school through the mountains, Pili, China

© amusingplanet  

Pupils walking on a tightrope 30 feet above a river, Padang, Sumatra, Indonesia

© dailymail  

Crossing a river on inflated tire tubes, Rizal Province, Philippines

© Dennis M. Sabangan  

© Bullit Marquez  

Source boredpanda