
Wednesday 1 March 2017

Diet Plan That Actually Works

A Woman Came Up With This Miracle Diet Plan That Actually Works

Like any other woman who wasn’t satisfied with her body, I was looking for some miracle diet plan that would fit my needs. After a lot of researching and testing, I found this amazing diet. It’s not about losing pounds in a short time, but it does work.

I knew I had to change my eating habits, but my problem was the lack of time. I had to take the kids to school and do my everyday household chores. I never had enough time to cook a whole other meal just for myself, so I decided to substitute a couple of foods in my daily diet. Now, with the help of Bright Side, I’d like to share my discovery.


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I replaced bread with hard biscuits, crackers, and brown bread. As the days went by, I also reduced the portions, and, little by little, I discovered that I didn’t want it that much even though I loved bread!


Although I don’t regularly drink soda, when I do, I go with the light option. I’m also reducing the amount of sodas. However, if I can avoid drinking them, I do so.

Alcoholic drinks

I prefer not to have alcoholic drinks at all, but sometimes you find it hard to avoid having a drink, especially if you’re attending some event or meeting with friends. In this case, I choose wine over any other drink because at least it has health benefits.


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This was pretty simple to replace. There are many types of low-calorie sweeteners, so I just had to pay a little more attention to how to incorporate them into my meals.


This was a great change for the whole family: I put aside those artificially sweetened juices and started to drink natural ones. My kids also loved it.


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Black coffee was also very easy for me to replace with green coffee. Green coffee has multiple benefits, but the best thing is that it’s a natural fat-burning product. Its taste is a little different, but it’s pretty easy to get used to it.


Breakfast is our basic meal, and you should never skip it. You must have breakfast because it prevents you from gaining weight! So I decided to have breakfast every morning no matter what, and I made some replacements. For example, I substituted eggs and ham for eggs and vegetables.


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To give up chocolate was not an option for me. How was I supposed to give up this delicious product? Although I’m not a big consumer, I like to have some while watching a nice movie. I decided to turn to dark chocolate: the more black and bitter the bar of chocolate is, the less fat it contains.


Fruits are clearly great for your health, but there are some high-calorie fruits that should be avoided if you’re on a diet. I started to eat red fruits, which are a great source of antioxidants, and green ones, like kiwi or apples, that guarantee a great boost of vitamins.


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I love mayo, but after I searched the Internet I found out that I could actually replace it with so many options like cream cheese, avocado, olive oil, etc. I went with the light option, and the result was great.


I started to make homemade yogurts as natural is always better. However, sometimes I do buy light yogurts from the supermarkets. What I avoid at all costs is cream.

And yes! I also started walking for just 30 minutes every day. Well, almost every day ;-)

Source actitudfemvitonica 
Preview photo credit depositphotos

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