
Sunday 19 February 2017

11 habits that will boost your metabolism

If you want to improve your health or lose weight, the first thing to pay attention to should be your metabolism: it has a great influence on how our body cells are supplied with energy and nutrients. Metabolic dysfunction usually causes excess weight.

The team has made a list of good habits that can help you speed up your metabolism. So let’s get healthy and fit!


Schedule your meals

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Our body is smart. It expects to be fed at a certain time, and so it uses most of its energy by this time, knowing that it will receive more energy soon. But if your meal schedule is irregular, your body stores energy instead of using it, because it’s not sure if it’s getting any new energy soon. Eating every 3-4 hours will help your body to use all of its energy.

Drink more liquids

© Soloviova Liudmyla/shutterstock  

Sufficient fluid intake contributes to good metabolism. When your body is deprived of water, you burn less calories. Also, your liver is concentrating on restoring your water supply and not paying much attention to burning fat. That’s why you should drink more! If you are not used to drinking a lot of water, drink tea. Green tea is great when you need to meet your daily hydration needs.

Dairy is your friend

© Maria Symchych/shutterstock  

Dairy contains a lot of nutrients that are essential for burning fat and building muscle. For example, the calcium contained in dairy plays a significant role in metabolism. The more calcium is contained in fatty cells, the more fat is going to be burned.

Be physically active

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Any kind of physical activity, be it jogging, walking, dancing, or exercising in a gym, contributes to a faster metabolism. Strength exercises are best, as they promote faster growth of muscular tissue. Our muscles require energy even when we are resting. That’s why the best way to speed up your metabolism is to do your resistance exercises regularly.

Wake up early

© Nenad Aksic/shutterstock  

Sunlight has an impact on your metabolism as well. The morning sun helps your body regulate those biological processes that depend on the alteration of day and night, which, in turn, are vital to your energy consumption.

Don’t cut out carbs

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Don’t overburden yourself with diets that lead to neglecting carbohydrates completely. In order to properly synthesize serotonin, you need sufficient levels of carbohydrates. A lack of carbs may have a negative effect on your brain activity, and it’s stressful for your body. Yes, you will lose weight, but due to loss of liquid, not fat (we described this situation earlier in the article).

No snacking

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If you are a fan of chips, sandwiches, and sweets, you should be aware of the fact that frequent snacking slows down your metabolism. The energy that we get from food usually lasts for 3 or 4 hours. Then your body starts to consume its proper energy by burning its own fat. Constant snacking prevents your body fat from being burned, and that’s how you gain weight.

Use iodized salt

© Ivan Mateev/shutterstock  

Currently trending sea salt is not a supplement for good old iodized salt. An iodine deficiency adversely affects your thyroid, which, in turn, has a negative impact on your metabolism.

Eat organic

© Oleksandra Naumenko/shutterstock  

Nonorganic products made with various additives, animals fed with antibiotics and growth hormones, plants grown with synthetic mineral fertilizers and pesticides... It doesn’t sound tempting, does it? But that’s how most of the things we eat are made. Start eating wisely!

Keep your iron level up

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Iron deficiency leads to muscles lacking oxygen, which generally undermines health. If you are lacking iron in your diet, eat more meat, fish, and apples.

Stop stressing

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Most metabolism problems have to do with our inability to cope with stress. When we are stressed, our thyroid slows down our metabolism, which leads to weight gain.

Take care of your health!

Author: Devin Hopp

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