
Monday 27 February 2017

great movies that will make you feel alive

20 great movies that will make you feel alive

There are special movies that inspire us. They’re like a drug. After watching them, you want to live life to the extreme, take chances, and be a better person. Such movies are not only the great masterpieces that have touched the hearts of millions, but also the simple comedies that make you laugh.

Bright Side made a list of 20 inspiring movies that will help you to be inspired and achieve your goals. Watch and enjoy. Oh, and feel free to share other inspiring movies that we didn’t mention in the comments!

Peaceful Warrior

There are no ordinary moments in the world. Something’s always happening. Something unusual.

This movie tells about a promising gymnast. It’s based on real events, but it seems more like fiction. The dialogues are philosophical, but not moralizing. This picture will kill your internal whiner and make you appreciate every moment of your life.

Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door

You know, in heaven, all they talk about is the ocean.

The story presents us with two terminally ill friends who decide to break bad. If you only read the movie description, it can seem more depressing than inspiring. But don’t close the tab. The picture is filmed, played, and presented in such a cool way that you’ll surely appreciate every moment of your life after watching. Afterwards, you’ll want to go to the sea, I promise.

Inside I’m Dancing

Look, life’s passing. Let’s take a walk.

The heroes of this movie might be people in wheelchairs, but they’re actually more optimistic than most of us. Even though they’re at the mercy of cerebral palsy, the guys stay cheerful, trying to live a full life; they do silly things, protect the weak, dance, joke, and just stay happy.

Forrest Gump

Life’s like a box of chocolates: you never know what you’re gonna get.

Robert Zemeckis created this phenomenon in 1994, but it is still very popular today. Even if you know every word by heart, you can always pull something new from it. It’s a good example of a great movie — simple, but brilliant.

The Intouchables

It doesn’t matter who you are on the outside, the main thing is who you are on the inside.

Both the director and actors of this movie manage to do a great thing: they created a life-affirming, witty, funny, and charming picture. The proportions of drama and comedy are almost perfect. The story of two friends, as different as black and white, day and night, is truly amazing.

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Stop dreaming. Start living.

This picture is about the adventures of a common loser. It yells ’Don’t be someone else’s copy! Don’t be afraid! Change the world!’ A teenager’s spirit was brilliantly showed by the Hollywood comedian Ben Stiller. He should’ve been done with such roles a long time ago, but if you think that’s true, your’e thinking of the wrong guy!

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

You can erase someone from your mind. Getting them out of your heart is another story.

Michel Gondry isn’t a common a director, he’s a true wizard. He took his own unique style and applied it to real life. This movie shows that you can’t just press the ’delete’ button like you’re playing a computer game. All of the great actors helped create this masterpiece, especially Jim Carrey.

Little Miss Sunshine

There’s two kinds of people in this world, there’s winners and there’s losers. The difference is, winners don’t give up.

This may be the best movie demonstrating a simple moral: it’s not the result that matters, but the process. Know why? Because if you decide to become a ’Little Miss Sunshine,’ like this young lady, and your whole family helps you (a rather big and strange family at that, including a failed father, an impulsive mother, a gay uncle, a drug-addicted grandfather, and a brother who took a vow of silence), you cannot help but enjoy the process!

Pay It Forward

Is it possible for one idea to change the world?

A young boy named Trevor made up his own simple theory about how to change the world; I’ll help you, and you’ll help three other people. It easy to fall into the understanding that our world is too cruel and too unfair for this idea, but as long as the stars are shining, someone needs our kindness.

Breakfast at Tiffany’s

You never know for sure where it’s going to happen, but when it happens, you just know it.

Audrey Hepburn’s quintessence of the feminine charm and magnetism is what makes this movie so great. It was filmed in 1961, but it still captures the audience’s attention. The dialogues, great views of New York, a small flat, a nameless lazy cat, and, of course, the ’Moon River’ all create the atmosphere of love and the yearning to live.

Into the Wild

Rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness... give me the truth.

The utterly amazing landscapes, total freedom, and absolute calm of this movie allows us to escape from everyday problems. The silly rules of the society are put aside just to feel the unity with nature again. This movie is only possible because of Sean Penn and the actors’ great work.

August Rush

The music. I can hear it everywhere: in the wind, in the air, in the light. It’s all around us. All you have to do is open yourself up. All you have to do... is listen.

You’ll want to watch this utterly beautiful and idealized, fairytale story in one sitting. To appreciate it fully, you should silence your internal critic, ignore the slightly unrealistic plot, and learn to hear, not just listen, because music is the essence of this movie.

Yes Man

When you say "yes", you open up to new possibilities.

A common manager played by Jim Carrey is suffering from depression. To overcome it, he decides to say "yes" to everything and accept everything that is offered to him. This is how his life turns into a permanent adventure that could be a useful lesson for all of us.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

You never know what’s coming for you.

This movie is like a good book. It has lots of details and an interesting, thoroughly thought-out plot. The result speaks for itself — even ignoring the actors’ great work, the picture amazes us with the atmosphere and how realistic the editing looks. You can like or dislike the movie, but after watching it, you won’t be able to say it didn’t move you.

The King’s Speech

— Pauses are fine, it shows solemnity. — Then I’m the most solem King in the world!

The movie, that won four Oscars, isn’t as simple as it may seem. It’s not only about public speaking but also the voice’s outer manifestation of the human. King George’s story is about having a strong belief in yourself, and it proves that everyone’s worth being heard.

Big Fish

The biggest fish in the river gets that way by never being caught.

Tim Burton made a movie that’s almost like a fairytale, but not the type to make you smile and forget it after you watched it. The story of Edward Bloom says that everyone has their own Universe inside of them. Your sky isn’t just the sky to your soulmate, someone might be able see the endless world full of stars and galaxies in it. The person who can see it is called a big fish.

The Terminal

Sometimes you have to ignore the rules and concentrate on the people.

Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks managed to create a movie that is really hard to classify. What is it? A comedy, a melodrama, a parable? It’s about following your dream. It’s about how useless the bureaucratic system is. It’s about friendship, that has a place even in the airport terminal, where everyone’s in a hurry.

Red Dog

Sometimes you don’t choose your dog. Sometimes your dog chooses you.

Modern movies are rarely as kind and warm as the ’Red Dog.’ This is a story of a real dog that lived in Dampier, Australia. There’s even a monument of the dog on the way into town. The movie’s about a tireless dog who helped migrants find friends, happiness, hope, and joy.

Silver Linings Playbook

Signs are everywhere, you just have to see them.

’Silver Linings Playbook’ is a title that best describes how you feel after watching this movie. It’s a very interesting, memorable, and touching story about two people whose lives aren’t going the way they would like. The movie gives you more than just inspiration, it gives you hope.

The Bucket List

It could be better, but it could be much worse, too.

Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman bonded over so much in this movie that it made it even greater than it was supposed to be. This movie is a masterpiece because every single moment of it is filled with brilliant dialogues, actors’ play, and lines of inspiration. The dialogues aren’t boring, they teach you that life’s passing you by right now, and you should seize every moment. Don’t be waiting for tomorrow.

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